Bhoothnath Ashtakam- Sanskrit Lyrics

Shri Krishna Das Ji Maharaj


शिव शिव शक्तिनाथं संहारं शं स्वरूपम्
नव नव नित्यनृत्यं ताण्डवं तं तन्नादम्
घन घन घूर्णिमेघं घंघोरं घंन्निनादम्
भज भज भस्मलेपं भजामि भूतनाथम् ||1|

कळकळकाळरूपं कल्लोळंकंकराळम् 
डम डम डमनादं डम्बुरुं डंकनादम्
भज भज भस्मलेपं भजामि भूतनाथम् 
सम सम शक्तग्रिवं सर्वभूतं सुरेशम्  ||2||


रम रम रामभक्तं रमेशं रां रारावम्
मम मम मुक्तहस्तं महेशं मं मधुरम्
बम बम ब्रह्मरूपं बामेशं बं विनाशम्
भज भज भस्मलेपं भजामि भूतनाथम् ||3||

हर हर हरिप्रियं त्रितापं हं संहारम्
खमखम क्षमाशीळं सपापं खं क्षमणम्
द्दग द्दग ध्यानमूर्त्तिं सगुणं धं धारणम्
भज भज भस्मलेपं भजामि भूतनाथम् ||4||  


पम पम पापनाशं प्रज्वलं पं प्रकाशम् 
गम गम गुह्यतत्त्वं गिरीशं गं गणानाम्
दम दम दानहस्तं धुन्दरं दं दारुणम्
भज भज भस्मलेपं भजामि भूतनाथम् ||5|| 


गम गम गीतनाथं दूर्गमं गं गंतव्यम्  
टम टम रूंडमाळं टंकारं टंकनादम्  
भम भम भ्रम् भ्रमरं भैरवं क्षेत्रपाळम्  
भज भज भस्मलेपं भजामि भूतनाथम् ||6||

त्रिशुळधारी संहारकारी गिरिजानाथम् ईश्वरम्  
पार्वतीपति त्वं मायापति शुभ्रवर्णम् महेश्वरम्  
कैळाशनाथ सतीप्राणनाथ महाकालं कालेश्वरम्  
अर्धचंद्रं शिरकिरीटं भूतनाथं शिवं भजे ||7||

नीलकंठाय सत्स्वरूपाय सदाशिवाय नमो नमः  
यक्षरूपाय जटाधराय नागदेवाय नमो नमः  
इंद्रहाराय त्रिलोचनाय गंगाधराय नमो नमः  
अर्धचंद्रं शिरकिरीटं भूतनाथं शिवं भजे ||8||

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Bhoothnath Ashtakam: A Devotional Hymn to Lord Shiva

The Bhoothnath Ashtakam, composed by Shri Krishnadas Ji Maharaj, is a profound devotional hymn dedicated to Lord Shiva, the supreme deity known as the Lord of all Bhootas (living beings). This text consists of eight verses that encapsulate the multifaceted nature of Shiva, praising him for his attributes, powers, and the immense compassion he shows towards his devotees.

  1. Verse 1 portrays Shiva as the all-auspicious Lord of Shakti, embodying destruction through his eternal dance, the Tandava. His meditation is unbroken, resonating with the powerful sound reminiscent of a fierce storm. The worshipper reveres him for his divine presence, often represented by the ash that adorns his form.

  2. Verse 2 emphasizes Shiva as the embodiment of time and the destroyer of fears. His powerful instrument, the Damaru, reverberates through the universe, symbolizing his connection with all Bhootas. The imagery of his strong neck bearing the serpent Vasuki highlights his strength and grace.

  3. Verse 3 describes Shiva as the eternal devotee of Shri Raama, continuously chanting his name. This verse illustrates Shiva’s gentle and generous nature, embodying Brahman and expressing his open-handedness in granting boons to those who seek his favor.

  4. Verse 4 presents Shiva as the compassionate destroyer of sufferings, forgiving and embodying meditation. He is depicted as the ultimate protector, alleviating the pains of his devotees and maintaining the virtues of kindness and grace.

  5. Verse 5 highlights Shiva as the destroyer of sins, guiding all beings toward the path of light. His abode is on a mountain alongside his Ganas, where his fierce yet generous nature shines through, emphasizing his role as the Lord of all Bhootas.

  6. Verse 6 captures Shiva’s enigmatic nature, portraying him as a 'difficult to reach' destination, adorned with a garland of skulls. This verse also acknowledges his form as Bhairava, protector of sacred Kshetras, and his eternal connection to ash as a symbol of his transcendence.

  7. Verse 7 honors Shiva as the wielder of the Trident (Trishool), acknowledging his destructive power and his deep connection to Mata Parvati. The imagery of the crescent moon atop his headgear reinforces his divine status as the great controller, residing in Kailash.

  8. Verse 8 concludes with a heartfelt bow to Sada Shiva, describing his form adorned with the serpent Vasuki and his connection to the Ganga. This verse encapsulates the essence of devotion, honoring Shiva as the ultimate truth and a source of eternal blessings.

Through the Bhoothnath Ashtakam, devotees express their unwavering reverence for Lord Shiva, seeking his grace and protection. Reciting this hymn is believed to lead the worshipper to Shiva loka, the abode of Lord Shiva, when done with pure intentions.