Poornna Brahma Stotram- English Translation and Meaning with Sanskrit Lyrics

Shri Krishna Das Ji Maharaj

पूर्णचन्द्रमुखं निलेन्दु रूपम्
उद्भाषितं देवं दिव्यंस्वरूपम्
पूर्णंत्वंस्वर्णँत्वंवर्णंत्वं देवम्
पिता माता बंधुत्वमेव सर्वम्
जगन्नाथ स्वामी भक्तभावप्रेमी नमाम्यहम्
जगन्नाथ स्वामी भक्तभावप्रेमी नमाम्यहम्

Poornachandramukham nilenduroopam
udbhaashitam devam divyamsvaroopam
Poornam tvam svarnam tvam varnam tvam devam
Pitaa-maataa-bandhu tvameva sarvam
Jagannaathasvaamee bhaktabhaavapremee namaamyaham
Jagannaathasvaamee bhaktabhaavapremee namaamyaham

Whose face is like the full moon, whose colour is like that of a blue jewel, O’ deva
whose divine appearance brightly shines through, you are complete, you are more
precious than gold, you are the source of all colours, you are my father, mother,
friend and everything. To you O’ Lord of the universe, the lover of the Bhava of His
devotees, I bow!

।। 1 ।।

कुं चितके शंच संचितवेशम्
आकृ ष्टओष्ठं च उत्कृ ष्टश्वासम्
जगन्नाथ स्वामी भक्तभावप्रेमी नमाम्यहम्
जगन्नाथ स्वामी भक्तभावप्रेमी नमाम्यहम्

Kunchitakesham cha sanchitavesham
Vartulasthoolanayanam mamesham
Pinaakaneenaakaa nayanakosham
Aakrishta oshtham cha utkrishta shvaasam
Jagannaathasvaamee bhaktabhaavapremee namaamyaham
Jagannaathasvaamee bhaktabhaavapremee namaamyaham

The one with beautiful curly hair, whose appearance is like a collection of all the
beautiful appearances, and who has big round eyes, is my controller, my Lord. O’Lord, You
have big eyeballs, beautiful big round pupils, and stunning lips, your transcendental breath is
the life force in all living beings in the universe. To the Lord of the universe, the
lover of the bhava of His devotees, I bow!

।। 2।।

नीलाचलेचंचलया सहितम्
आदिदेव निश्चलानंदेस्थितम्
आनन्दकन्दं विश्वविन्दुचंद्रम्
नंदनन्दनंत्वं इन्द्रस्य इन्द्रम्
जगन्नाथ स्वामी भक्तभावप्रेमी नमाम्यहम्
जगन्नाथ स्वामी भक्तभावप्रेमी नमाम्यहम्

Neelaachale chanchalayaa sahitam
Aadideva nishchalaanande sthitam
Aanandakandam vishvavinduchandram
Nandanandanam tvam indrasya indram
Jagannaathasvaamee bhaktabhaavapremee namaamyaham
Jagannaathasvaamee bhaktabhaavapremee namaamyaham

In the Nilachala Dham , O’ Adideva you reside in unshakeable, constant bliss with
Mata Lakshmi and so you are the root of all bliss. Just like the moon brightly
shines through, you shine as the center of the universe (Govind). You, the son of
Nanda, are the best among the best. To the Lord of the universe, the lover of the
bhava of His devotees, I bow!

।। 3 ।।

प्रशांतकु न्तलंतेमूर्त्तिमंतम्
जगन्नाथ स्वामी भक्तभावप्रेमी नमाम्यहम्
जगन्नाथ स्वामी भक्तभावप्रेमी नमाम्यहम्

Srishti-sthiti-pralaya sarvamoolam
Sookshmaatisukshmam tvam sthoolaatisthoolam
Kaantimayaanantam antimapraantam
Prashaantakuntalam te moorttimantam
Jagannaathasvaamee bhaktabhaavapremee namaamyaham
Jagannaathasvaamee bhaktabhaavapremee namaamyaham

You are the root of all creation, maintenance, destruction. The subtlest among
everything that is subtle and you the grossest among everything that is gross.
You are infinite and full of grace , you are your end. You ,who has serene hair, are
revered in idols .To the Lord of the universe, the lover of the
bhava of His devotees, I bow!

।। 4 ।।

शुद्धात्शुध्दं त्वंच पूर्णात्पूर्णं
कृ ष्ण मेघतुल्यंअमूल्यवर्णं
जगन्नाथ स्वामी भक्तभावप्रेमी नमाम्यहम्
जगन्नाथ स्वामी भक्तभावप्रेमी नमाम्यहम्

Yajnya-tapa-vedajnyaanaat ateetam
Bhaavapremachhande sadaavashitvam
Shuddhaat shuddham tvam cha poornaat poorna
Krishnameghatulyam amoolyavarnam
Jagannaathasvaamee bhaktabhaavapremee namaamyaham
Jagannaathasvaamee bhaktabhaavapremee namaamyaham

You are beyond yagya, penance, vedas, gyana (one can only get Him through
single pointed, unflinching devotion), there is nothing that can bind you but you are forever
bound by the pure love of your devotees (in pure love there is no desire, there is nothing that
you want for yourself, everything you do is to please your beloved). You are the
purest of the pure, the most complete among complete . Your appearance is like
the dark clouds, your colour is priceless To the Lord of the universe, the lover of
the bhava of His devotees, I bow!

।। 5 ।।

मत्स्य-कू र्म-नृसिंह-वामनः त्वम्
वराह-राम-अनंतः अस्तित्वम्
जगन्नाथ स्वामी भक्तभावप्रेमी नमाम्यहम्
जगन्नाथ स्वामी भक्तभावप्रेमी नमाम्यहम्

Vishvaprakaasham sarvakleshanaasham
Matsya-koorma-nrisimha-vaamanah tvam
Jagannaathasvaamee bhaktabhaavapremee namaamyaham
Jagannaathasvaamee bhaktabhaavapremee namaamyaha

You are the light of the universe, destroyer of all that is impure. You are my mind,
my intellect, my life force, you are my breath that goes in and out. You have infinite forms
such as Matysa, Kurms, Narsingha, Vamana, Varah, Rama. To the Lord of the
universe, the lover of the bhava of His devotees, I bow!

।। 6 ।।

ध्रुवस्य विष्णुत्वंभक्तस्य प्राणम्
राधापति देव हेआर्त्तत्राणम्
सर्वज्ञान सारंलोक-आधारम्
जगन्नाथ स्वामी भक्तभावप्रेमी नमाम्यहम्
जगन्नाथ स्वामी भक्तभावप्रेमी नमाम्यहम्

Dhruvasya vishnu tvam bhaktasya praanam
Raadhaapati deva he aarttatraanam
Sarvajnyaanasaaram lokaadhaaram
Bhaavasanchaaram abhaavasam'haaram
Jagannaathasvaamee bhaktabhaavapremee namaamyaham
Jagannaathasvaamee bhaktabhaavapremee namaamyaham

For Dhruva you are Vishnu, for your devotees your are their life force, your the
beloved/husband of Radha, your are the rescuer of the ones who are suffering. You are the
essence of all knowledge, you are the base that holds all of the lokas in the
universe. You spread bhava or love and destroy abhava or lack of love. To the
Lord of the universe, the lover of the bhava of His devotees, I bow!

।। 7 ।।

सुदर्शनसंगेनित्य शोभितम्
नमामि नमामि सर्वांगेदेवम्
हे पूर्णब्रह्म हरि मम सर्वम्
जगन्नाथ स्वामी भक्तभावप्रेमी नमाम्यहम्
जगन्नाथ स्वामी भक्तभावप्रेमी नमाम्यहम्

Baladeva-subhadraa paarshve sthitam
Sudarshanasange nityashobhitam
Namaami namaami sarvaange devam
He poornabrahma hari mama sarvam
Jagannaathasvaamee bhaktabhaavapremee namaamyaham
Jagannaathasvaamee bhaktabhaavapremee namaamyaham

You are adorned in the side of Baladeva and Subhadra and Sudarshana (even
though you are the Supreme). I bow to you with every little part of my body, my
mind. O poorna brahma, shri hari, you are my everything .To the Lord of the
universe, the lover of the bhava of His devotees, I bow!

।। 8 ।।

कृष्णदासहृदि भाव संचारम् I
सदा कु रु स्वामी तव किंकरम्
तव कृ पा विन्दु हि एक सारम्
अन्यथा हे नाथ सर्व असारम्
जगन्नाथ स्वामी भक्तभावप्रेमी नमाम्यहम्
जगन्नाथ स्वामी भक्तभावप्रेमी नमाम्यहम

Krishnadaasahridi bhaavasanchaaram
Sadaa kuru svaamee tava kinkaram
Tava kripaa bindu hi eka saaram
Anyathaa he naatha sarva asaaram
Jagannaathasvaamee bhaktabhaavapremee namaamyaham
Jagannaathasvaamee bhaktabhaavapremee namaamyaham

You induce emotions in the heart of krishnadasa .I am always your servant , o
lord . A drop of your grace is the essence of everything , without that , o lord,
everything is useless. To the Lord of the universe, the lover of the bhava of His
devotees, I bow!

।। 9।।

II इति श्री कृ ष्णदासः विरचित ‘पूर्णब्रह्म स्तोत्रं’ सम्पूर्णम् II

 Thus Poorna Brahma Stotram is completed.


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The Glory of Poornabrahma: A Descriptive Insight into Poornabrahma Stotram

The Poornabrahma Stotram is a beautiful hymn dedicated to Lord Jagannatha, the embodiment of Poornabrahma, the Supreme Lord in His full form, beyond any limitations or imperfections. Each verse of this stotram exalts Lord Jagannatha, describing His unparalleled beauty, divine qualities, and His eternal bond with His devotees. This hymn deeply resonates with those devoted to Lord Vishnu or Sri Hari in His form as Jagannatha, who resides in Nilachala Dham (Puri). The following content delves into the significance and meaning of each verse, drawing from its essence and rich descriptions.

Verse 1: The Moon-Faced Lord of All

The first verse likens the face of Lord Jagannatha to the full moon, a metaphor for His bright, serene, and calming nature. His complexion is compared to the color of a blue jewel, symbolizing both His divine essence and the infinite depth of His presence. This description of Lord Jagannatha as radiant and precious portrays Him as the ultimate source of all beauty and color in the universe. The devotee surrenders entirely to Him, recognizing Him not only as the Lord of the universe but also as the source of all relationships — a father, mother, friend, and everything else one holds dear. The verse highlights the completeness and all-encompassing nature of Lord Jagannatha, thus setting the foundation for the stotra as an expression of total surrender and reverence.

Verse 2: The Divine Form of Beauty and Compassion

In this verse, Lord Jagannatha's beautiful curly hair and big, round eyes are celebrated, evoking His captivating form that mesmerizes all beings. His transcendent beauty, adorned with wide pupils and stunning lips, is the embodiment of compassion. His very breath, the divine prana, is described as the life force that sustains the entire universe. This verse not only emphasizes His physical appearance but also His role as the controller and sustainer of life itself, demonstrating His inseparable connection with the cosmos. Devotees perceive Him as their ultimate Lord, whose beauty is beyond comparison and whose breath is the foundation of existence.

Verse 3: The Blissful Lord Residing in Nilachala Dham

Lord Jagannatha, also addressed as Adideva in this verse, resides in Nilachala Dham (Puri), the abode of eternal bliss. Accompanied by Mata Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and prosperity, He radiates unshakable joy and serves as the root of all happiness. The verse emphasizes how the Lord shines like the moon, bringing light and joy to the world, and how He stands as the center of the universe. This verse acknowledges Lord Jagannatha as the son of Nanda, the same Krishna who was beloved among the gopis and revered as the most divine among divinities. His brilliance and joy fill the hearts of devotees who turn to Him for eternal bliss.

Verse 4: The Subtlest and the Greatest

In the fourth verse, Lord Jagannatha is depicted as the root of all creation, preservation, and destruction — the cyclical process of the universe. The stotra describes Him as both the subtlest of the subtle and the grossest of the gross, alluding to His omnipresent nature. Despite His infinite and incomprehensible greatness, He is also approachable and full of grace. This verse reflects His role as the divine essence that underlies all existence and His serene, graceful presence worshipped in idols. Devotees see Him as the Supreme Being, who pervades all realms of existence, from the infinitesimal to the infinite.

Verse 5: Beyond Yagya and Penances

Here, Lord Jagannatha is portrayed as being beyond any material or ritualistic achievements such as yagya, penances, or even the wisdom contained in the Vedas. He cannot be obtained through mere worldly pursuits or intellectual understanding. Instead, He is bound by the pure love of His devotees, symbolizing that only through single-pointed, unconditional devotion can one attain Him. This verse underscores the futility of rituals without true love for the Lord. His appearance, like the dark clouds, reflects His transcendent and mysterious nature. Lord Jagannatha, the purest among the pure, is the eternal refuge for those who seek Him with an unwavering heart.

Verse 6: The Source of Infinite Forms

The sixth verse venerates Lord Jagannatha as the light of the universe and the destroyer of all impurities. The hymn acknowledges His many forms, such as Matsya, Kurma, Narasimha, Vamana, Varaha, and Rama, showing His endless incarnations to protect dharma and guide humanity. He is the essence of all creation, the mind, intellect, and life force of all beings. The devotees bow to Him as the ultimate savior who sustains the universe with His divine presence and manifests in infinite ways for the welfare of His devotees.

Verse 7: The Sustainer of Bhava and Destroyer of Abhava

Lord Jagannatha is the beloved of Radha and the sustainer of His devotees, such as Dhruva, who saw Him as Vishnu during his intense meditation. In this verse, the Lord is also recognized as the destroyer of abhava (lack of love), while spreading bhava (pure devotion) in the hearts of His devotees. He upholds the very structure of the universe and serves as the base that holds all realms. Through His divine interventions, He rescues those who are suffering and brings them closer to His eternal love. He is the source of all knowledge, the sustainer of all worlds, and the eternal refuge for those seeking divine shelter.

Verse 8: Poornabrahma, the Complete Lord

This verse praises Poornabrahma—Lord Jagannatha in His full completeness, acknowledging Him as the Supreme Being who is adorned by His eternal companions, Baladeva, Subhadra, and Sudarshana. The devotee offers complete obeisance to Him, recognizing that every part of their body, mind, and soul belongs to the Lord. Poornabrahma is addressed as Shri Hari, the Lord who is everything to His devotees. The verse emphasizes total surrender to the Lord, recognizing Him as the supreme controller, provider, and sustainer.

Verse 9: The Essence of Grace

In the final verse, the devotee acknowledges their eternal servitude to Lord Jagannatha. The Lord’s grace is described as the essence of everything, without which the world would be empty and devoid of meaning. The emotions stirred in the heart of the devotee, referred to as Krishnadasa (servant of Krishna), are the ultimate connection between the Lord and His bhaktas. The verse concludes with a heartfelt plea for even a drop of divine grace from the Lord, as it is the only thing that truly matters.


The Poornabrahma Stotram glorifies Lord Jagannatha as the Supreme Lord who is complete, infinite, and all-powerful. It highlights the intimate relationship between the Lord and His devotees, emphasizing the importance of pure, selfless love over ritualistic practices. Each verse of the stotram reveals different aspects of the Lord, from His divine beauty and cosmic power to His role as the sustainer of the universe and the object of ultimate devotion. Through this hymn, devotees express their deep reverence for Lord Jagannatha and their desire to be eternally connected to Him.