Saraswati Vandana - Ya Kundendu Tushar Har Dhawla- In English Transcription

Author - Unknown

Ya Kundendu Tusharahara Dhavala Ya Shubhra Vastravrita
Ya Veena Varadanda Manditakara Ya Shveta Padmasana
Ya Brahmachyuta Shankara Prabhritibhir Devaih Sada Pujita
Sa Mam Pattu Saravatee Bhagavatee Nihshesha Jadyapaha॥1॥

Saraswati Vandana: A Symphony of Radiant Devotion

Introduction: Step into the divine realm of Saraswati Vandana, a poetic hymn that celebrates the luminous grace of Goddess Saraswati. In this sacred invocation, we offer heartfelt salutations to the radiant Bhagavati Saraswati, envisioned in the pure white glow of Jasmine, Moon, and Snow. Her divine presence, adorned with the brilliance of Pearls, beckons seekers of knowledge and artistic inspiration. Join us on a journey through verses that seek the perpetual protection of the goddess who dispels ignorance.

Verse 1: A cascade of salutations to the celestial Saraswati, whose beauty rivals the purity of Jasmine and the cool luminosity of the Moon. Draped in garments as white as snow, she gleams with the radiance of a string of Pearls. With hands graced by the Veena, the musical instrument symbolizing artistic harmony, she sits upon a pristine white Lotus. Lord Brahma, Achyuta, Lord Vishnu, Lord Shankara, and other Devas perpetually sing her praises. This divine goddess, dispeller of ignorance, we invoke for unceasing protection.

Conclusion: As we conclude our reverent exploration of Saraswati Vandana, the verses echo the luminosity and wisdom embodied by Goddess Saraswati. May her radiant presence, reminiscent of white purity, inspire our lives with profound knowledge and artistic brilliance. Let us seek the eternal protection of the goddess, celebrated by celestial beings, as we traverse the path of enlightenment and creativity.