Sri Adi Shankaracharya
अच्युतं केशवं रामनारायणं
कृष्णदामोदरं वासुदेवं हरिम् ।
श्रीधरं माधवं गोपिकावल्लभं
जानकीनायकं रामचंद्रं भजे ॥१||
janaki-nayakam-ram-chandram-bhaje ||1||
I worship the achyut (never gets illusioned by materialism),
keshavam, ram, narayan, krishna, damodar. vasudev, hari
sirdhar, madhav, the beloved of gopis(as sri krishna)
consort of janaki (as sri ram), ramchandra ||1||
अच्युतं केशवं सत्यभामाधवं
माधवं श्रीधरं राधिकाराधितम् ।
इन्दिरामन्दिरं चेतसा सुन्दरं
देवकीनन्दनं नन्दजं सन्दधे ॥२॥
achyutam-keshavam-satyabha madhavam
madhavam sridharam- radhika-[a]-radhitam
indira mandiram-chetasa-sundaram
devaki nandanam-nandajam-sandhade ||2||
I worship the achyut, keshav, consort of satyabhama(as sri krishna),
consort of Laxmi(as sri vishnu), worshipped by radha(as sri krishna),
in whom devi laxmi lives(i.e. in heart of sri vishnu), who is attractive,
son of devaki, and nanda who was given to him. ||2||
विष्णवे जिष्णवे शाङ्खिने चक्रिणे
रुक्मिणिरागिणे जानकीजानये ।
कंसविध्वंसिने वंशिने ते नमः ॥३॥
rukmini ragine-janaki janaye
kamsa-vidvamsine-vamsine-te-namah ||3||
I worship vishnu(present everywhere), undefeatable,
who holds conch shell and discus(in his hands)
who is beloved of rukmini(as sri krishna) and whose wife is janaki(as sri ram),
who was beloved of gopis and who is situated as atman in everyone,
who killed kansa and who plays flute. ||3||
कृष्ण गोविन्द हे राम नारायण
श्रीपते वासुदेवाजित श्रीनिधे ।
अच्युतानन्त हे माधवाधोक्षज
द्वारकानायक द्रौपदीरक्षक ॥४॥
sri pate-vasudeva jita-sri nidhe
achyut-[a]-ananta hey-madhava-dokhshaja
dwaraka-nayaka-daraupadi-rakshaka ||4||
O krishna, govinda, ram, narayan
consort of laxmi, vasudev, undefeatable, all attractive
infallible, infinite, madhav,
who is beyond (the reach of) senses
lord of dwaraka, saviour of draupadi
(please bestow your grace unto me) ||4||
राक्षसक्षोभितः सीतया शोभितो
दण्डकारण्यभूपुण्यताकारणः ।
लक्ष्मणेनान्वितो वानरैः सेवितो -
ऽगस्तसम्पूजितो राघवः पातु माम् ॥५॥
O (Sri Ram) destroyer of demons, who has devi sita (by his side)
who is the cause of purification of the land of dandakaranya
who was accompainde by lakshman and who was served by monkeys
who was worshipped by sage agastya
may that raghava protect me ||5||
केशिहा कंसहृद्वंशिकावादकः ।
बालगोपालकः पातु मां सर्वदा ॥६॥
O the destroyer of (demon) dhenuka and arishtasura,
the destroyer of enemies, O the one who killed
keshi and kansa, O flute player,
O the one who was angry at putana,
O the one who played on the banks of Yamuna,
always protect me ||6||
प्रावृडम्भोदवत्प्रोल्लसद्विग्रहम् ।
वन्यया मालया शोभितोरःस्थलं
लोहिताङ्घ्रिद्वयं वारिजाक्षं भजे ॥७॥
pravrid-ambhoda-vat-prolasad-vigraham |
lohita-anghri-dvayam-varija-aksham-bhaje ||7||
I worship him whose clothes shines like lightning in the sky,
whose body is as the clouds of rainy weather,
whose chest is adorned by garland made of wild flowers,
who has pair of beautiful red feet, and whose eyes are like lotus. ||7||
कुञ्चितैः कुन्तलैर्भ्राजमानाननं
रत्नमौलिं लसत्कुण्डलं गण्डयोः ।
हारकेयूरकं कङ्कणप्रोज्ज्वलं
किङ्किणीमञ्जुलं श्यामलं तं भजे ॥८॥
kinkini-manjulam-shyamalam-tam-bhaje ||8||
I worship shyam, whose shining beautiful face is adorned with curly hair
whose head is adorned with crown of gems and long earrings are beautifying the face
who wears shining garland, (shining) bracelet in upper-arm and waist
who wears tiny bells which makes pleasant sounds. ||8||
[Concluding Verse]
अच्युतस्याष्टकं यः पठेदिष्टदं
प्रेमतः प्रत्यहं पूरुषः सस्पृहम् ।
वृत्ततः सुन्दरं कर्तृविश्वम्भरस्तस्य
वश्यो हरिर्जायते सत्वरम् ॥९॥
Those who reads this beautiful and fruitful verses
of achyutashtakam with love and devotion consistently,
the lord who supports and creates universe,
shri hari comes in control of him. ||9||
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Achyutashtakam is a profoundly devotional stotra composed by Adi Shankaracharya. It comprises nine verses, with the first eight verses paying homage to Lord Vishnu, Sri Krishna, and Sri Ram, while the ninth verse highlights the significance of reciting this beautiful composition with devotion.
Verse 1: The first verse invokes the various divine forms and names of the Supreme Lord, including Achyut, Keshava, Rama, Narayana, Krishna, Damodara, Vasudeva, Hari, Sridhara, and Madhava, praising both Sri Krishna and Sri Ram.
Verse 2: The second verse further extols the divine qualities of Lord Vishnu, who is the consort of Satyabhama and Lakshmi, beloved by Radha, and the indweller of every heart.
Verse 3: In the third verse, Lord Vishnu is hailed as the one who is omnipresent, invincible, and the holder of the conch shell and discus. He is beloved by Rukmini and Janaki, and his divine presence resides within every being.
Verse 4: The fourth verse reveres Lord Krishna, Govinda, Ram, and Narayana, who is the savior of Draupadi and the lord of Dwaraka. His divine attributes are described as infallible, infinite, and irresistibly attractive.
Verse 5: The fifth verse pays homage to Lord Ram, who is the destroyer of demons and the protector of the land of Dandakaranya. He is accompanied by Sita, Lakshman, and the devoted monkeys.
Verse 6: The sixth verse recognizes Lord Krishna as the destroyer of various formidable adversaries, including demons like Dhenuka and Keshi, and his playful nature is celebrated.
Verse 7: The seventh verse praises the Lord's divine form, highlighting the radiance of His garments, the cloud-like body, the garland of wildflowers, red feet, and lotus-like eyes.
Verse 8: The eighth verse worships Lord Krishna's enchanting beauty, with His face adorned by curly hair, a gem-studded crown, and elegant earrings. He wears a gleaming garland and delicate bells that produce melodious sounds.
Verse 9: The concluding verse emphasizes the significance of consistently reciting these beautiful verses with devotion. It promises that those who do so will come under the loving control and blessings of the Supreme Lord, Shri Hari.
In conclusion, Achyutashtakam, authored by the great philosopher Adi Shankaracharya, is a devotional masterpiece comprising nine verses that glorify Lord Vishnu, Sri Krishna, and Sri Ram. This sacred composition exudes a deep sense of devotion and reverence for the Supreme Lord.
The first eight verses beautifully describe the divine attributes, names, and the irresistible charm of these celestial incarnations. The verses pay homage to their benevolent and fearless nature, their companions, and their divine playfulness.
Verse 9 serves as a reminder of the significance of reciting Achyutashtakam with unwavering love and devotion. It promises that those who do so will come under the divine grace and control of Shri Hari.
Achyutashtakam is a profound expression of devotion that beckons devotees to connect with the divine and experience the boundless love and blessings of Lord Vishnu, Sri Krishna, and Sri Ram. It is a spiritual journey that seeks to establish a deep connection with the Supreme Lord and become a recipient of His grace.
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