Shri Hari Stotram- English Translation and Meaning with Sanskrit Lyrics

Swami Brahmananda

जगज्जालपालं चलत्कण्ठमालं
शरच्चन्द्रभालं महादैत्यकालं
नभोनीलकायं दुरावारमायं
सुपद्मासहायम् भजेऽहं भजेऽहं ॥1॥

jagajjalapalam-kachad kantha-malam
supadma-sahayam-bhaje-[a]ham-bhaje-[a]ham ||1||
I worship Shri Hari, who is the protector of wolrd,
who wears shining garland on his neck, Who has a radiant forehead like the autumn-moon,
Who is the death for powerful demons,
who has body like blue sky, who is master of maya(illusory power), and
who has consort like padma(devi Laxmi's another name),
I worship that Sri Hari always ||1||

सदाम्भोधिवासं गलत्पुष्पहासं
जगत्सन्निवासं शतादित्यभासं
गदाचक्रशस्त्रं लसत्पीतवस्त्रं
हसच्चारुवक्त्रं भजेऽहं भजेऽहं ॥2॥

I worship Shri Hari, who always lives in ocean,
who smile is like newly bloomed flower, who is present erverywhere in the universe
whose radiance is like hundred suns shining together,
who holds mace and disc as weapons,
whose wears shinning yellow clothes,
and who always has smile on his beautiful face,
I worship that Sri Hari always ||2||
रमाकण्ठहारं श्रुतिव्रातसारं
जलान्तर्विहारं धराभारहारं
चिदानन्दरूपं मनोज्ञस्वरूपं
ध्रुतानेकरूपं भजेऽहं भजेऽहं ॥3॥
I worship Shri Hari, In whose garland rama(Devi Laxmi) lives,
who is the essence of Vedas, who lives in ocean(Ksheer Sagar),
who upholds the weight earth,
whose blissfull form always attracts the mind,
who took various form,
I worship that Sri Hari always ||3||
जराजन्महीनं परानन्दपीनं
समाधानलीनं सदैवानवीनं
जगज्जन्महेतुं सुरानीककेतुं
त्रिलोकैकसेतुं भजेऽहं भजेऽहं ॥4॥
I worship Shri Hari, who is free of old age, (birth) and death,
who is always in supreme bliss,
whose mind is always absorbed in Samadhi, who always looks young,
who is the cause of creation of this universe,
who is protector of the army of devas, who is bridge that connects three worlds,
I worship that Sri Hari always ||4||
कृताम्नायगानं खगाधीशयानं
विमुक्तेर्निदानं हरारातिमानं
स्वभक्तानुकूलं जगद्व्रुक्षमूलं
निरस्तार्तशूलं भजेऽहं भजेऽहं ॥5॥
I worship Shri Hari, whom the vedas sing,
who has king of birds as vehicle, who gives liberation,
who takes away pride of enemies.
 who is favourable to his devotees, who is the root (cause) of this tree like world
who ends the suffering of life
I worship that Sri Hari always ||5||

समस्तामरेशं द्विरेफाभकेशं
जगद्विम्बलेशं ह्रदाकाशदेशं
सदा दिव्यदेहं विमुक्ताखिलेहं
सुवैकुण्ठगेहं भजेऽहं भजेऽहं ॥6॥
I worship Shri Hari, who is master of devas, whose hair is black as bee,
who is every single atoom in this universe,
whose body is like clear like sky.
who always has divine body, who is free from the entanglement of world, 
who lives in vaikuntha,
I worship that Sri Hari always ||6||

सुरालिबलिष्ठं त्रिलोकीवरिष्ठं
गुरूणां गरिष्ठं स्वरूपैकनिष्ठं
सदा युद्धधीरं महावीरवीरं
महाम्भोधितीरं भजेऽहं भजेऽहं ॥7॥

I worship Shri Hari, who is powerful among all devatas, who is superior in three worlds,
who is only one, who is always calm in war, who is supreme among warrios,
who lives in the bank of ocean,
I worship that Sri Hari ||7||

रमावामभागं तलानग्रनागं
कृताधीनयागं गतारागरागं
मुनीन्द्रैः सुगीतं सुरैः संपरीतं
गुणौधैरतीतं भजेऽहं भजेऽहं ॥8॥
I worship Shri Hari, who has Rama(Devi Laxmi) by his side,
who (sleeps) on the snake(sheshnaag), who can be attained by doing Yagya,
who is free of attachements(wordliness), who stuti is sung by sages,
who is served by devatas,
and who is beyond gunas(satva,rajas, tamas),
I worship that Shri Hari ||8||


[Concluding Verse]

इदं यस्तु नित्यं समाधाय चित्तं
पठेदष्टकं कण्ठहारम् मुरारे:
स विष्णोर्विशोकं ध्रुवं याति लोकं
जराजन्मशोकं पुनर्विन्दते नो॥

jara-janma-sokam-punar-vindante-no ||

These Eight verses of Shri Hari is same as his garland which he wears on neck,
whoever recites this eight verses he will attain vaikuntha and also they will be
free of suffering, grief, old age, birth, (and death), there is no doubt in this. ||

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Shri Hari Stotram: A Symphony of Devotion to Lord Vishnu

Shri Hari Stotram, composed by Swami Brahmananda, is a divine hymn consisting of nine verses, each exuding profound devotion and praise for Lord Vishnu. This stotram glorifies the many divine attributes and manifestations of Lord Vishnu. 

In the first verse, Swami Brahmananda invokes Shri Hari, the protector of the world, whose radiance is compared to the autumn moon, and who holds the power to vanquish powerful demons. 

The second verse beautifully describes Shri Hari's omnipresence and radiant smile, akin to a newly bloomed flower, while emphasizing the brightness of His divine form. 

The third verse reveres Lord Vishnu as the essence of the Vedas, residing in the cosmic ocean and supporting the weight of the Earth. His blissful form is depicted as eternally attractive. 

The fourth verse adores Shri Hari's agelessness and his eternal state of supreme bliss. His youthful appearance is emphasized, along with His role as the creator of the universe. 

In the fifth verse, the hymn acknowledges Lord Vishnu as the one praised in the Vedas, with the king of birds Garuda as His vehicle. He grants liberation and humbles the pride of His adversaries. 

The sixth verse pays tribute to Shri Hari as the master of the divine realm and the essence of every atom in the universe. His form is likened to the clear sky, and He is depicted as being free from worldly entanglements. 

In the seventh verse, Shri Hari is hailed as the mightiest among the deities, superior in all three worlds, and calm in times of war. 

The eighth verse emphasizes Lord Vishnu's divine consort, Devi Laxmi, who accompanies Him as He rests upon the serpent Sheshnaag. His attainability through Yagya and His transcendence of worldly attachments are lauded. 

In the ninth and final verse, Swami Brahmananda describes these eight verses as a garland that adorns Shri Hari's neck. Recitation of these verses is said to lead the devotee to Vaikuntha, freeing them from suffering, grief, old age, birth, and death.

This divine composition captures the essence of devotion and reverence for Shri Hari, bringing solace and spiritual upliftment to those who recite it.

In Swami Brahmananda's divine composition, the Shri Hari Stotram, nine verses come together to create a tapestry of devotion and reverence for Lord Vishnu, also known as Shri Hari. These verses paint a vivid portrait of the supreme deity's many divine attributes and manifestations. The hymn follows a rhythmic and poetic structure, each verse exuding profound spirituality.

The hymn commences with an invocation to Shri Hari, the protector of the world, who is adorned with a radiant forehead akin to the autumn moon. He is the eternal vanquisher of powerful demons, His divine form likened to the vast expanse of the blue sky. The mention of His divine consort, Padma (an epithet for Devi Laxmi), adds a touch of divine love and partnership.

Verse after verse, Swami Brahmananda glorifies Shri Hari's omnipresence, radiant smile, and the eternal sunshine of His divine countenance. He is the ultimate source of cosmic balance and is praised for His compassionate presence throughout the universe. The hymn paints a picture of a divine being who possesses unparalleled radiance and beauty.

Shri Hari's significance in upholding the Vedic knowledge and supporting the world is celebrated. His eternal youth and the role He plays as the creator of the universe are highlighted. The verses establish His timeless existence in a state of supreme bliss and transcendental meditation.

The Shri Hari Stotram underscores Lord Vishnu's role as the harbinger of liberation and the vanquisher of arrogance and pride. As the ultimate source of the universe, He relieves the suffering of all living beings.

Swami Brahmananda's hymn pays homage to the mighty master of deities, Shri Hari, who remains calm even in the face of adversity. The worshipful verses emphasize His unique place in the divine realm.

The concluding verses glorify Lord Vishnu's divine consort, Devi Laxmi, and emphasize His attainability through Yagya (sacrificial offerings). He is described as free from worldly attachments and transcending the three gunas (qualities).

In the closing verse, Swami Brahmananda likens these eight verses to a garland adorning Shri Hari's neck. He declares that reciting these verses leads to the ultimate liberation, freeing devotees from suffering, grief, old age, birth, and death. The divine hymn captures the essence of devotion and serves as a source of solace and spiritual upliftment for all who recite it.

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